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Services of authentication, legalization and application of apostille

    All translations performed by our office are executed by translators licensed by the Romanian Ministry of Justice. In consequence, the translations performed by us are licensed translations. But, for different purposes, translations authenticated by notaries are requested from us. This type of authentication is performed only by the notary public, by presenting the original document on which the translation is based and in accordance with the new procedure of authentication of translated documents as amended in the year 2013.

The new authentication procedure of licensed translations (extract from the Official Journal of Romania)
The decree of the Minister of Justice no. 2333 / 2013 referring to the approval of the Regulation for the enforcement of the Law of public notaries and notary activity no. 36 / 1995 was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 479 from August 1st, 2013. This one will enter into force on Monday, 12.08.2013.
The law will sanction a new Regulation for the enforcement of the Law of public notaries and notary activity no. 36 / 1995, by repealing, on the date of its entering into force, the Decree of the Minister of Justice no. 710/C/1995 for the sanctioning of the Regulation for the enforcement of the Law of public notaries and notary activity no. 36 / 1995.
The development of the regulation was necessary as a consequence to the modifications and additions brought to the Law no. 36/1995 by the Law no. 77/2012, as well as a consequence to the republishing of the Law no. 36/1995 in the Official Journal, part I, no. 72 from February 4th, 2013.
In addition to other procedures and specific notary activities, the new regulation modifies substantially the legal framework in terms of execution and authentication of translations, the authentication of the licensed interpreter and translator’s signature.
Underneath one can find the extract which refers in a strict manner to the translation activity.
Subsection 5 – Execution and authentication of translations
Authentication of the signature of the licensed interpreter and translator

Art. 318 – (1) The authentication of the signature of the licensed interpreter and translator is performed in accordance with the procedure established by law and with the present subsection. In the notary documents and procedures, translations are executed by interpreters and translators licensed by the Ministry of Justice.
(2) The citizens of European Union member states or those pertaining to the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation can perform the activity of licensed interpreter or translator for documents and notary procedures if the Ministry of Justice recognizes their certificates or other similar documents that confirm their quality of licensed interpreter and translator in the field of legal sciences, issued by the competent authorities from their country of origin or of provenance.

Art. 319 – (1) The document that is translated is presented to the notary public in one of the following formats:
a) in original. The original can be a document executed under private signature that receives, as appropriate, an established date, an authentication of the signature or certification, or it can be an authentic document;
b) in an authenticated copy or a copy certified by the competent authority that possesses the original document in its archives.
(2) The licensed interpreter and translator has the obligation to translate the in its entirety, without any omissions, the text presented for translation and not to distort its content and meaning. Through text presented for translation, one understands that it is either a part of the text of the document or the text of the document in its entirety. In case there is a request for the translation of only a portion of the text of the document, only this translation can be executed, without the necessity to translate the text of the document in its entirety. At the end of the translation, the translation certification formula will be written, through which the licensed interpreter or translator will certify the accuracy of the translation, the fact that the text presented for translation was translated in its entirety, without any omissions, and that, through translation, the document’s content and meaning were not distorted.
(3) In the case of authenticating the signature of the licensed interpreter and translator that executed a translation from the Romanian language into a foreign language, the certification by the notary public of the translated document is based on the data and information contained in the document in Romanian presented by the licensed interpreter and translator in one of the formats presented on paragraph (1). In the situation in which the document presented in Romanian does not provide sufficient data and information for the notary public to certify the translated document, this one can reject the request to fulfill the authentication procedure of the signature of the licensed interpreter and translator.
(4) In the case of authenticating the signature of the licensed interpreter and translator that executed a translation from a foreign language into Romanian, the certification by the notary public of the translated document is based on the data and information contained in the translation certified by the licensed interpreter and translator. In the situation in which the translation of the document does not contain sufficient data and information to allow the certification of the translated document by the notary public, this one rejects the request to fulfill the procedure of authentication of the signature of the licensed interpreter and translator.
(5) The copy of the document that is translated is attached to its translation, with the application of the stamp and the signature of the licensed interpreter and translator on the joining sides of two leaves, so as to have the linking stamp applied on all of the leaves of the document which gets numbered, stapled, sewn or pinned.
(6) The signature of the licensed interpreter and translator will not be authenticated if the document presented for translation, produced in front of the notary public, is a simple copy.
(7) The endorsement of the authentication of the signature of the licensed interpreter and translator is executed following the presentation, in the office of the notary public, of the document to be translated, as well as of its translation, certified by the licensed interpreter and translator.

Art. 320 – (1) The licensed interpreter and translator that executes the translation, compiles the certification formula, that has the following content: “The undersigned, ……….. (surname, name as written in the license), licensed interpreter and translator for the foreign language / languages …. based on the license no. …. from the date of ….., issued by the Ministry of Justice of Romania, I certify the accuracy of the translation executed from the language …….. into the language ……, that the presented text has been translated in its entirety, without any omissions and that, through translation, the content and meaning of the document have not been distorted.
The document whose translation is requested in full / in extract has, in its entirety, a number of ….. pages, bears the title / designation of ……., was issued by …. and was presented to me in its entirety / in extract.
The translation of the presented document has a number of …. pages and was executed in accordance with the written request no. …. / mm.dd.yyyy, kept in the archives of the undersigned.
The fee of …. lei was collected, accompanied by receipt / fiscal receipt / payment order no. __ /
(2) It is forbidden to modify in any manner the certification formula presented on paragraph (1), as well as not filling out one or more of the sections contained within.

Art. 321 – The notary public can reject the fulfillment of the authentication procedure of the signature of the licensed interpreter and translator, if the requirements provided by the law and this regulation are not met.

Art. 322 – (1) In the authentication procedure of the signature of the licensed interpreter and translator, the notary public verifies and certifies that the document presented for translation is produced in front of him in one of the formats provided in art. 319 paragraph (1) and that the interpreter and translator that executed the translation is licensed in accordance with the law, as well as the fact that he signed on the translation and applied his stamp.
(2) In the endorsement of authentication of the signature of the licensed interpreter and translator, the notary public shows that essential conditions were met, respectively, date (year, month, day), surname and name of the licensed interpreter and translator, his presentation in person, the certification of the document presented for translation in accordance with art. 319 paragraph (1), as well as the acknowledgement of him signing the translation. In the situation in which the licensed interpreter and translator has registered the signature specimen with the office of the notary, there is no need for him to be present in front of the notary public for the completion of the procedure.

Art. 323 – (1) The notary public can execute translations in accordance with the conditions of art. 82 paragraph (2) of the law.
(2) In case the translation is executed by the notary public, in addition to the mentions provided by art. 322 paragraph (2), in the endorsement for the authentication of the translation, the notary public certifies the accuracy of the translation, the fact that the presented text was fully translated, without any omissions and that, through translation, the document’s content and meaning have not been distorted. The endorsement will also contain the following text: “The document whose translation is requested in full / in extract has, in its entirety, a number of …. pages, bears the title / designation of ……, was issued by …. and was presented to me in its entirety / in extract.
The translation of the presented document has a number of …. pages and was executed in accordance with the written request registered with no. __ /, kept in the archives of the undersigned. The fee of …. lei was collected, accompanied by receipt / fiscal receipt / payment order no. __ /”

Art. 324 – The notary public can issue authenticated copies for the translations kept in the archives of the notary office in accordance with the conditions provided by the law and the present regulation for the fulfillment of the procedure of authentication of copies of documents.